1.UMVIM is an approved United Methodist ministry.

2. The mission projects are vetted and screened.

3. Volunteer teams can continue their relationship with the project site they served at via The Advance and missionaries.

4. All are welcome to serve.

5. Training, forms, insurance, etc. available

6. It's simple. Contact umvimwj@hotmail.com to get started!

Faith in Action

Faith in Action

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Photo: Children in Mexico, courtesy umcor.org.

Individual Volunteer to Hope School – Bethlehem, Palestine: March through June, Yvonne Turner of Grass Valley - Sierra Pines UMC will be serving as a teacher at the Hope School in Bethlehem.

Medical Team to Guatemala: March 6 - 16
Roland Nyegaard leads a large team of medical professionals to Guatemala. He will serve with Gay Goss, Richard Anderson, Jon Chan, Marianne Hallum, Lynn Hansen, Patricia Logan, Seang Seng of Modesto - First UMC, Nancy Fisher of Centenary UMC, James Hoyt of Calvary Chapel, Shari Lowe of Raiseda - 7th Day Adventist, Julia Parish of San Francisco - St. Mary the Virgin, Cynthia Barton of Ripon Grace, Kelly Brown, Jim Brown, Elizabeth Dixon, William Dixon, Susan Hoyt, Elise Palitz, John Pfeffer, Carol Shakespeare, Jennifer Zimmerman and William WIlson.

Hurricane Recovery Team to Dulac, Louisiana: March 13 - 19
Darlene Luster picks up the leadership torch from Richard Drath and leads a team back to Dulac, Louisiana. She will serve with Nancy Wong, David Roundtree, Sue Roberts, Jay Earl, Marilyn Hewitt, Elizabeth Morse, Katy Simon, Jim Roberts, Becky Earl, Jeff Spalin and Katie Salo of Reno - First UMC, Michael Clymer, Richard Schendel, Georgia Clymer, Susan Doctor, Patrick Leamy, Mary Law, Nicole Schober, Brenton King and Joyce Garcia of Reno - St. Paul's UMC, Kathy Fraker of Fallon - Epworth UMC, Sherri Rice and Patty Bengtsor.

Los Gatos UMC / International Team to Colonet, Mexico: March 20 - 26
Pete Taylor leads a Los Gatos UMC Team back to Colonet to continue their partnership there. He will serve with Marna Taylor, Nicholas Taylor, Eric Hardt, Alex Hardt, Karen Sanders, Alex Noe, Ray Owen, Michael Baldwin, Andrew Neish, Brian Stansbury and Maurice VanGalder of Los Gatos UMC.

Multi-Church / Hurricane Recovery Team to Slidell, Louisiana: March 27 – April 3
Joe Hoffman leads teams of volunteers from four congregations. Jerry Adams, Warren Adams, Debbie Dillon-Adams, Sally Flores, Aeredin Harris, Cameron Hobbs, Haley Hobbs, Shannon James, Barbie Swain, Carl Swain and Kristen Swain of the Pioneer UMC and the Auburn Community Parish (made up of Dutch Flat UMC, Colfax UMC and Placer Hills Community UMCs).