1.UMVIM is an approved United Methodist ministry.

2. The mission projects are vetted and screened.

3. Volunteer teams can continue their relationship with the project site they served at via The Advance and missionaries.

4. All are welcome to serve.

5. Training, forms, insurance, etc. available

6. It's simple. Contact umvimwj@hotmail.com to get started!

Faith in Action

Faith in Action

Friday, April 23, 2010



Individual Volunteer to Hope School – Bethlehem, Palestine: March through June
Yvonne Turner of Grass Valley - Sierra Pines UMC will be serving as a teacher at the Hope School in Bethlehem.

Multi-Church / Hurricane Recovery Team to Slidell, Louisiana: March 27 – April 3
Joe Hoffman leads teams of volunteers from four congregations. Jerry Adams, Warren Adams, Debbie Dillon-Adams, Sally Flores, Aeredin Harris, Cameron Hobbs, Haley Hobbs, Shannon James, Barbie Swain, Carl Swain and Kristen Swain of the Pioneer UMC and the Auburn Community Parish (made up of Dutch Flat UMC, Colfax UMC and Placer Hills Community UMCs).

Kit & Relationship Building Team to the UMCOR West Depot in SLC, Utah: April 5-9
Becky Perry of Boulder Creek UMC leads a multi-church team to the UMCOR West Depot. She is joined by Sunshine Johnson and Garrett Wallace of Boulder Creek UMC, Jane Cross of Pacific Grove UMC, Don Kawashima and Jackie Kawashima of San Jose - Wesley UMC , Rosemary Steenhausen of Almaden Hills UMC, Ina Tanner and Marv Tanner of Campbell UMC, Selma Chung, Patti Lawton and Jeffrey Lawton.

Hurricane Recovery Team to Slidell, Louisiana: April 17 - 24
Steve Elliott of Livermore – Asbury UMC leads teams of volunteers to continue hurricane recovery work. A list of team members was not available at the time of posting.