Volunteer in Haiti serving in the town of Mellier.
Team members returning from Haiti are reporting on their experiences in profound and moving ways. Some of their stories can be found at Haiti Response Plan. In addition, churches and conferences are reporting on team experiences through their own web sites.
If your team has a story that you would like to share, please send the link to the US-based Calendaring Coordinator and we will be happy include it.
To find out more about the Haiti Response Plan, go to the web site or send an email to me, the US-based Calendaring Consultant. Thank you to Sandy Rowland Binotto, West Virginia Conference, for the photos in this week's newsletter.
In His Service,
Susan Meister
Haiti Response Plan, Mission VolunteersGeneral Board of Global Ministries
The United Methodist Church
In His Service,
Susan Meister
Haiti Response Plan, Mission VolunteersGeneral Board of Global Ministries
The United Methodist Church
For more information, and to help, visit http://www.mississippi-umc.org/pages/detail/1090.A message from Rev. Wayne Napier, Mississippi Disaster Response Coordinator Thank you to all the United Methodist who are responding in so many ways to this latest disaster.
We are often told in our connectional church United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is US -- each and every church and church member volunteering their time, their skills, their money, their prayers. Thank you.
There is much work to be done. Here is our priority list for this week:Debris removal for Holmes and Yazoo counties and Yazoo City needs teams and also heavy equipment.Corinth needs muck-out work. We have assisted the state VOAD as well as the Long-Term Recovery committee in Yazoo City and other areas with logistics as well as critical materials and supplies.
We will continue to call for volunteers for immediate needs. You may watch this update for the latest.As we are continuing to respond to the response phase we are at the same time making steps to transition seamlessly to the recovery phase.Please continue to help in "every way you can, as often as you can." We are the church together.God bless,Wayne
To Give: Donations to 2010 Tornado Recovery can be sent to MS Conference at P.O. Box 1147, Jackson, MS 39215-1147, clearly marked for: 2010 Tornado Recovery.You may also give through UMCOR Advance #901670
To Help: Calls are now being accepted by calling 866-647-7486 or alternatively 601-354-0515 ext. 21.Or email: tornadorelief@mississippi-umc.org
Dear Volunteer,
Come join me in Haiti.
We have all been waiting patiently for the news we can go help Haiti and the time is now. I have just returned from Haiti and now I am inviting you to consider joining me for the next trip to Haiti.
Date for this trip is September 1-11th, 2010.
Please let my know if this date is possible for you. There will be many more times in the future to serve in Haiti but this is the first one. Haiti can handle only a limited number of volunteers at one time so to assure we do more good than harm we are adhering to a strict scheduling system. I cannot assure you a spot on this first team but I need to know very quickly those who might go at this time. Please respond by June 2nd.
The estimated cost for this trip is $1600, housing will be rustic, the weather will be hot, the food will be great, and the poeple will be fantastic.
Come join me in Haiti.
We have all been waiting patiently for the news we can go help Haiti and the time is now. I have just returned from Haiti and now I am inviting you to consider joining me for the next trip to Haiti.
Date for this trip is September 1-11th, 2010.
Please let my know if this date is possible for you. There will be many more times in the future to serve in Haiti but this is the first one. Haiti can handle only a limited number of volunteers at one time so to assure we do more good than harm we are adhering to a strict scheduling system. I cannot assure you a spot on this first team but I need to know very quickly those who might go at this time. Please respond by June 2nd.
The estimated cost for this trip is $1600, housing will be rustic, the weather will be hot, the food will be great, and the poeple will be fantastic.
Phil Bandy, 916-374-1582, philb@calnevumc.org