1.UMVIM is an approved United Methodist ministry.

2. The mission projects are vetted and screened.

3. Volunteer teams can continue their relationship with the project site they served at via The Advance and missionaries.

4. All are welcome to serve.

5. Training, forms, insurance, etc. available

6. It's simple. Contact umvimwj@hotmail.com to get started!

Faith in Action

Faith in Action

Thursday, August 11, 2011



To: The Annual Conferences of the Western Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church

From: Rev. Brian Diggs, Director of UMCOR West Office and Depot, Salt Lake City, Utah

On May 31, UMCOR West Office and Depot celebrated its second anniversary. During these two years, groups from all over the United States have come to the depot to volunteer for a week at a time to build disaster relief kits. The kits are then sent all over the world to the most vulnerable populations. This spring and summer, UMCOR West has welcomed record numbers of volunteers, our facility will be filled to capacity until the middle of November. In short, this new ministry here, in the Western Jurisdiction of the UMC, is booming beyond expectation.

With this increase in volunteerism comes a unique problem; namely, our supplies for building UMCOR disaster relief kits are quickly disappearing. It should be noted that all of our supplies come from the generosity of ordinary United Methodists in churches across the country. These supplies are collected at local churches and sent to us at UMCOR West. Congregation members may also give to Advance # 901440, which allows both UMCOR West Office and Depot and UMCOR Sager Brown to buy in bulk.

Please consider helping UMCOR West further our efforts by sending completed kits and partial kits to us at UMCOR WEST, 1479 South 700 West, Salt Lake City, UT, 84104 or, by supporting our purchasing of supplies by using the Advance #901440 at advancinghope.org. Currently, we are in need of School Kits, Health Kits, and Layette Kits. Thanks in advance for your generosity!

Note: If you are interested in scheduling an UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers In Mission Team) to serve at UMCOR Depot West, contact your UMVIM Annual Conference Coordinator.