1.UMVIM is an approved United Methodist ministry.

2. The mission projects are vetted and screened.

3. Volunteer teams can continue their relationship with the project site they served at via The Advance and missionaries.

4. All are welcome to serve.

5. Training, forms, insurance, etc. available

6. It's simple. Contact umvimwj@hotmail.com to get started!

Faith in Action

Faith in Action

Thursday, December 15, 2011




You may be wondering what UMVIM is and what might it add to our mission experiences for youth and young adults. Well, below is an introduction to what UMVIM offers. We hope you’ll check it out and contact us to engage in our training and certification opportunities. Thanks!

A) The projects are :

Approved by the conference in which they reside,

Vetted by the Conference UMVIM coordinator in conjunction with the Conference Board of Global Ministries ( or alternate committee, task force),

Home grown, usually started by a church or group within the church that sees a need and makes it happenOf the Wesleyan tradition of mission (as much as possible!)

There is a huge list of UM projects in our connection that need our help. Why not help them!?

B) UMVIM Team Leadership Training (TLT) helps ensure that :

Teams will go where invitedTeams will have leaders that are trained in and will convey to their teams aspects of cultural sensitivity, spiritual growth, personal relationshipsTeams will abide by Safe Sanctuary guidelinesTeams will act on the three simple rules of: Do no harm, Do good and Love God.

C) The definition of an UMVIM team is:

“A United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) team is one that serves locally, nationally, or internationally where it is invited, works in a ministry endorsed by the host Methodist church, partner church or agency, or Non-Government Organization (NGO), and serves in cooperation with the local host group. The intent of this guideline insures that the presence of the team will not interfere with the authority and integrity of the church leadership, thereby strengthening and upholding the local church. The team will have an UMVIM trained leader who provides training for the team, insures completion of proper forms and insurance coverage and is in communication with annual conference and jurisdictional UMVIM leadership.”

-Lorna Jost

UMVIM Coordinator

North Central Jurisdiction

CONNECT WITH THIS GREAT UMVIM INFORMATION AND TRAINING AT: www.umvim.info and this blogspot at www.umvimwj.blogspot.com.