1.UMVIM is an approved United Methodist ministry.

2. The mission projects are vetted and screened.

3. Volunteer teams can continue their relationship with the project site they served at via The Advance and missionaries.

4. All are welcome to serve.

5. Training, forms, insurance, etc. available

6. It's simple. Contact umvimwj@hotmail.com to get started!

Faith in Action

Faith in Action

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ubuntu Explorer Team Dates;

Ubuntu Explorer Journeys

These are short-term mission service opportunities for United Methodist Women to interact with the world through mission partners. Explorers will expand their understanding of issues that impact the world and their community through mutual learning with women from other cultures. There are four opportunities for 2012.

Philippines: September 2-14, 2012

Northern Ireland: September 14-23, 2012

Haiti: October 14-20, 2012

Sierra Leone: December 1-12, 2012

For more information and/or to request an application, contact: IMCWD@gbgm-umc.org or call (212) 870.3719. Please include "Ubuntu Request" in the subject heading of your email. Photo of Ubuntu Explorer Team to Cote D'Ivoire courtesy new. gbgm-umc.org.