The UMVIM WJ team has a new addition! We welcome Becky Platt as the new UMVIM Conference Coordinator for the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference! You can connect with Becky about forming a team, team leader trainings, and mission events in your local churches and districts! Her email address is beckplatt1@peoplepc.com.
A major flood hit 7 remote villages along the Yukon River in May 2013. 82 United Methodist volunteers from across the US spent two weeks of their time and skills helping to repair homes in Galena, AK during August and September. The task was far from complete by the time the weather forced them to quit working.
We are going back this summer to complete the job. FEMA has offered free air travel, tools and equipment and the State of Alaska will provide housing and food. The cost to the team member is virtually nothing but time. So far, we have recruited 12-15 volunteers for each of the 12 teams except Team #11 which goes to Galena on Aug. 11th through the 27th. This team has 6 open slots. If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about this opportunity, please have them contact me as soon as possible. I’ve attached a list of frequently asked questions that will provide a good overview of the mission.
Jim Truitt
UMVIM Disaster Response Coordinator
PNW Conference United Methodist Church
23441 147th Ave SE
Kent, WA 98042
253-630-1268 (H)
253-797-1680 (C)umvimdisasterresponse@comcast.net
We are going back this summer to complete the job. FEMA has offered free air travel, tools and equipment and the State of Alaska will provide housing and food. The cost to the team member is virtually nothing but time. So far, we have recruited 12-15 volunteers for each of the 12 teams except Team #11 which goes to Galena on Aug. 11th through the 27th. This team has 6 open slots. If you or anyone you know is interested in learning more about this opportunity, please have them contact me as soon as possible. I’ve attached a list of frequently asked questions that will provide a good overview of the mission.
Jim Truitt
UMVIM Disaster Response Coordinator
PNW Conference United Methodist Church
23441 147th Ave SE
Kent, WA 98042
253-630-1268 (H)
253-797-1680 (C)umvimdisasterresponse@comcast.net
Efforts are underway to organize for the many volunteers that will be needed during the long-term recovery and rebuild response in the Great Plains Conference. For current information on how you can respond visit the Great Plains UMC Disaster web page and "like" their facebook page. Inquiries for long-term rebuilding and recovery can be made to disasterresponse@greatplainsumc.org.
Volunteers: There is an urgent call for self sustained and trained Early Response volunteers to assist with feeding and field gleaning in Wakefield, Nebraska. To assist with feeding contact 316-772-6811 and to assist with gleaning contact 402-287-2574.
The June 16th tornado in Pilger follows two recent tornadoes in the Great Plains Conference; Baxter Springs, Kansas on April 27th and Beaver Crossing, Nebraska on May 11th. To assist with recovery and response efforts in these areas please contact umc.dr.baxter@greatplainsumc.org and umc.dr.beaver@greatplainsumc.org respectively.
The Great Plains Conference appreciates the outpouring of prayers, donations, and support, but requests that no further material donations be given at this time. Please remember that financial needs are ongoing and supporters can donate directly to the Great Plains conference disaster response on-line or they can mail checks marked for #975 to the Great Plains Conference, c/o Topeka Office, P.O. Box 4187, Topeka, KS 66604. Donations can also be made on-line through UMCOR to United States Disaster Response #901670.
The Alabama-West Florida Conference is
accepting volunteers into Walton/Washington Counties (Florida) at this
time. Volunteers with skills that meet the recovery needs are welcome.
Housing available and materials will be
onsite. A complete project list will be available as teams register.
Lafayette County
is looking for assistance through Voluntary Agencies to help residents affected
by flooding to raise their air conditioning units. If your organization can
help with this request, please contact Volunteer Florida. For any additional
information regarding this request please contact Sheri Taylor w/ Volunteer
Florida directly.
Sheri Taylor,
Emergency Management Coordinator, Volunteer Florida
Office: 850-414-7400 x120
additional information or questions, please contact:
Fletcher, Disaster Response & Recovery Coordinator
Florida Conference
volunteer team opportunities, especially in the Pensacola, FL, and Gulf Shores,
AL, areas, will open in mid-July and will be posted on the Alabama-West Florida
Conference website, www.awfumc.org/disasterresponse
Youth and young adult team will be serving in Costa Rica in July! They hail from Rose City UMC in Portland, OR. The team leader is Julie Fleming and they will be serving at Universidad Bilblica Latin Americana. For more information email Julie at jfleming4rcpumy@gmail.com. Keep Julie and this team lifted in prayer!
Bahamas, Eleuthera Island, July 27-Aug 2, 2014. Bahamas Methodist Habitat is looking for helping hands to work on a roofing and sub-standard housing project. A lot of people don't realize that there are many people in need in the Bahamas just beyond the resorts and beautiful beaches. Anyone willing to learn how to hammer is welcome! The cost is $600 per person and food, lodging, construction materials, bus and site leaders, but not airfare. Please email Brenda Thompson for more information at methodisthabitat@gmail.com.
Guatemala. August 2-9, 2014. Team Leader Bill Perry is looking for additional team members to work with indigenous Maya in the Highlands of Guatemala. The trip will include partnering with Mayan families to build improved, fuel-efficient stoves in community homes. The trip cost is $985 + airfare, which includes all meals, transportation, accommodations, translation, service project materials and guidance. No prior experience or skills necessary. Please email Rachel Triplett for more information at rachel@highlandsupportproject.org.
Cuba, September 12-22, 2014. Irwinton Toomsboro Salem Church in the South Georgia Conference is seeking volunteers to work on the Seminary Housing Project in Havana. No construction skills are necessary. The trip cost is $1800. Please contact Mike Burgamy at burgamy@bellsouth.net for more information.
Cuba, September 15-25. Louisiana Volunteers in Mission is sending a team to Cuba for remodeling or rebuilding of a local church or parsonage. Both experienced and new volunteers are welcome regardless of skill level, although experienced carpenters, plumbers, roofers, and electricians are sought after. There will be a job for everyone. For further information please contact Mark Martin at drmrmartin@yahoo.com. |
Panama, July 26-August 3, 2014. A medical team from Covenant United Methodist is seeking physicians or physician's assistants for a mission opportunity in Panama to work with the indigenous Ngobe tribe. Please contact Pat Miller at ampmassoc@aol.com for additional information.
Ghana, September 18-26, 2014. A medical team from Getwell Road UMC is seeking a dentist to join their team that will be traveling to Ghana this fall. The cost is $2200, which covers travel and lodging; other expenses are covered by the sending church. Please contact Chris Johnston at christianhj@me.com for additional information.
Sierra Leone, Winter 2014. Women for Women of Sierra Leone is seeking physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants for a healthcare-based trip that will depart late November/early December of this year. WWSL is humanitarian 501(c)(3) organization that works with the U.S. Embassy in Sierra Leone to provide free healthcare. Please visit wwslinc@gmail.com for more information.
El Salvador, March 2-12, 2015. A medical team is seeking doctors, pediatricians, OB/GYNs, and optometrists to join their team that will be traveling El Salvador next spring. The cost is $1000 and includes airfare. Please contact. Dr. Brad Middaugh for more information at middaugh@att.net.
Disaster Response
Mississippi Conference. Heavy equipment is needed for debris removal in the Tupelo area, which was impacted by a large tornado on April 28, 2014. Please contact Rev. Darrell Sanderson at 662-231-0075 for more information or to volunteer.
North Alabama Conference. The NAC is in need of individual to volunteer at Multi-Agency Coordination Centers, located in Adamsville, Bessemer and Graysville. Duties would be taking information of needs from Storm Victims, and referring them to the Conference office. It would only take a brief training to be able to help out. Please Contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Lori Feist (205-226-7909 or lfeist@umcna.org) with the dates, times and which Center you would prefer serving.
North Carolina Conference. UMVIM Work teams from the Western North Carolina Conference and Virginia Conference are invited to assist in the response to the tornado damage from mid-April. These teams should be lead by persons who have received ERT training or UMVIM Team Leader Training. To volunteer, please contact Ann Huffman at disasterresponse@nccumc.org or call 888-440-9167 or 919-610-8018.